Role of viruses in periodontitis: An extensive review of herpesviruses, human immunodeficiency virus, coronavirus-19, papillomavirus and hepatitis viruses.

Role of viruses in periodontitis: An extensive review of herpesviruses, human immunodeficiency virus, coronavirus-19, papillomavirus and hepatitis viruses.

Publication date: Dec 25, 2024

Periodontitis is the inflammation of the supporting structures around the dentition. Several microbial agents, mostly bacteria, have been identified as causative factors for periodontal disease. On the other hand, oral cavity is a rich reservoir for viruses since it contains a wide variety of cell types that can be targeted by viruses. Traditionally, the focus of research about the oral flora has been on bacteria because the most widespread oral diseases, like periodontitis and dental caries, are outcomes of bacterial infection. However, recently and especially after the emergence of coronavirus disease 2019, there is a growing tendency toward including viruses also into the scope of oral microbiome investigations. The global high prevalence of periodontitis and viral infections may point out to a concomitant or synergistic effect between the two. Although the exact nature of the mechanism still is not clearly understood, this could be speculated through the manipulation of the immune system by viruses; hence facilitating the furthermore colonization of the oral tissues by bacteria. This review provides an extensive and detailed update on the role of the most common viruses including herpes family (herpes simplex, varicella-zoster, Epstein-Barr, cytomegalovirus), Human papillomaviruses, Human immunodeficiency virus and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in the initiation, progression and prognosis of periodontitis.

Concepts Keywords
Colonization Bacteria
Dental Cytomegalovirus
Papillomaviruses Epstein-Barr virus
Reservoir Herpes simplex virus
Rich Herpesvirus
Human immunodeficiency virus
Human papillomaviruses
Varicella-zoster virus


Type Source Name
disease IDO role
disease MESH periodontitis
disease IDO immunodeficiency
disease MESH hepatitis
disease MESH inflammation
disease IDO bacteria
disease MESH periodontal disease
disease IDO cell
disease MESH dental caries
disease MESH bacterial infection
disease MESH coronavirus disease 2019
disease MESH viral infections
pathway REACTOME Immune System
disease MESH herpes simplex
disease MESH varicella
disease MESH zoster

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