First Reported Case of Breast Sporotrichosis in Bahrain.

First Reported Case of Breast Sporotrichosis in Bahrain.

Publication date: Nov 01, 2024

Granulomatous mastitis is a chronic inflammation of the breast, mostly of unknown etiology. The treatment would be definitive if the causative organism were isolated. It is characterized histologically by granulomas, formed mostly by polymorph nuclear neutrophils and central necrosis. Herein, we report a 46-year-old woman who presented with a non-responding to treatment right breast abscess of six months duration. The abscess was associated with multiple fistula formation. Radiological investigations were inconclusive. She needed incision and drainage many times. The diagnosis of granulomatous mastitis secondary to sporotrichosis can only be made after breast tissue biopsy and culture. She was started on itraconazole. She responded slowly and later needed resection of the remaining mass.

Open Access PDF

Concepts Keywords
Bahrain biopsy
Biopsy covid-19
Mastitis culture
Months granulomatous
Nuclear imaging
sporothrix schenckii fungus


Type Source Name
disease MESH Sporotrichosis
disease MESH Granulomatous mastitis
disease MESH inflammation
disease MESH etiology
disease IDO organism
disease MESH granulomas
disease MESH necrosis
disease MESH abscess
disease MESH fistula
drug DRUGBANK Itraconazole
pathway REACTOME Reproduction
disease MESH covid 19
disease MESH mastitis
disease MESH infection
disease MESH pus
disease IDO history
disease MESH breast cancer
pathway KEGG Breast cancer
disease MESH lymphadenopathy
disease MESH edema
disease IDO bacteria
drug DRUGBANK p-Phenylenediamine
drug DRUGBANK Dextrose unspecified form
disease IDO colony
disease MESH recurrence
disease MESH secondary infection
drug DRUGBANK Meticillin
disease IDO pathogen
disease MESH autoimmune disease
disease MESH sarcoidosis
disease IDO production
drug DRUGBANK Nerve Growth Factor
disease MESH fungal infection
disease MESH ulcers
drug DRUGBANK Amphotericin B
disease MESH skin ulcers
drug DRUGBANK Voriconazole
disease MESH Pneumonia
disease MESH carcinoma
disease MESH breast disease
disease IDO role
drug DRUGBANK Coenzyme M
disease MESH infectious diseases

Original Article

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