Impact of strength-based video-feedback intervention on maternal sensitivity in mother-infant dyads with maternal depressive symptoms.

Impact of strength-based video-feedback intervention on maternal sensitivity in mother-infant dyads with maternal depressive symptoms.

Publication date: Dec 26, 2024

Strength-based video-feedback (SB-VF) is an attached base and culturally sensitive video-feedback intervention which promotes maternal well-being and sensitivity through using mentalization technics. The goals of this study were to investigate the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary effectiveness of internet-delivered SB-VF to mother with post-partum depression during COVID-19 pandemic. A pilot randomized, two arm controlled trial was conducted (trial registration NCT04748731) with depressive symptoms’ women (n = 172) from Chilean public primary health centers, 79 were randomized to either experimental group (on-line SB-VF plus treatment as usual [TAU], n = 41) or control group (TAU, n = 38). Primary outcomes were feasibility measured by eligibility rate, recruitment rate and intervention completion, and acceptability measured by in depth interviews to mothers and therapists. Secondary outcomes were change in depressive symptoms, maternal sensitivity and parental reflective function. The study demonstrated favorable feasibility and acceptability. Despite moderate recruitment rates, the completion rate was notably high in comparison to other online interventions. Participants reported positive experiences, though some faced challenges with internet access and privacy. Maternal sensitivity improved in the intervention group with a small to large effect size. The SB-VF intervention is feasible and preliminarily effective in public health system, with potential for scaling up in similar contexts.

Concepts Keywords
Chilean Elterliche Reflexionsfunktion
Mother internet‐based intervention
Nct04748731 Internetbasierte Intervention
Pandemic intervention sur Internet
Therapists maternal depressive symptoms
maternal sensitivity
parental reflective function
sensibilidad materna
sensibilité maternelle
video intervención
إجهاد الرعاية الوالدية، اكتئاب ما حول الولادة، الانسحاب الاجتماعي، التفكير السلبي المتكرر، السلوك النظامي للرضيع


Type Source Name
disease IDO intervention
disease MESH depressive symptoms
disease MESH post-partum depression
disease MESH COVID-19 pandemic
disease MESH privacy

Original Article

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