SLAMF7 defines subsets of human effector CD8 T cells.

SLAMF7 defines subsets of human effector CD8 T cells.

Publication date: Dec 28, 2024

Long-term control of viral replication relies on the efficient differentiation of memory T cells into effector T cells during secondary immune responses. Recent findings have identified T cell precursors for both memory and exhausted T cells, suggesting the existence of progenitor-like effector T cells. These cells can persist without antigenic challenge but expand and acquire effector functions upon recall immune responses. In this study, we demonstrate that the combination of SLAMF7 with either CD27 or TCF-1 effectively identifies progenitor-like effector CD8 T cells, while SLAMF7 with GPR56 or TOX defines effector CD8 T cells. These markers allow for the clear segregation of these distinct cell subsets. SLAMF7 CD8T cells are dynamically modulated during viral infections, including HIV, HCV, CMV, and SARS-CoV-2, as well as during aging. We further characterize the SLAMF7 signature at both phenotypic and transcriptional levels. Notably, during aging, the SLAMF7 pathway becomes dysregulated, resulting in persistent phosphorylation of STAT1. Additionally, SLAMF7 ligation in the presence of IL-15 induces TCF-1 expression, which promotes the homeostatic proliferation of progenitor-like effector CD8 T cells.

Open Access PDF

Concepts Keywords
Antigenic Aging
Cd27 CD8-Positive T-Lymphocytes
Efficient Humans
Homeostatic Interleukin-15
Viral Interleukin-15
Middle Aged
SLAMF7 protein, human
STAT1 protein, human
STAT1 Transcription Factor
STAT1 Transcription Factor
T-Lymphocyte Subsets
Virus Diseases


Type Source Name
pathway KEGG Viral replication
disease IDO cell
disease MESH viral infections
drug DRUGBANK Pirenzepine
disease IDO blood
disease MESH Influenza
disease MESH Hepatitis
disease IDO immunodeficiency
drug DRUGBANK Oxygen
drug DRUGBANK Spectinomycin
disease MESH Infectious Diseases
disease MESH AIDS
disease MESH Infection
drug DRUGBANK Coenzyme M
disease MESH Tumor
disease MESH persistent infections
disease MESH inflammation
disease MESH T cell exhaustion
disease IDO chronic infection
disease MESH atrophy
disease IDO production
disease IDO process
disease IDO protein
drug DRUGBANK Tretamine
disease MESH HIV infection
pathway REACTOME HIV Infection
disease IDO replication
disease MESH Viral load
disease MESH co infection
drug DRUGBANK Pidolic Acid
disease MESH breakthrough infection
pathway REACTOME Apoptosis
disease MESH arcs
disease MESH heart failure
disease MESH morbidities
disease IDO history
disease MESH latent infections
disease IDO immune response
disease MESH autoimmune diseases
disease MESH Crohn’s disease
drug DRUGBANK Spinosad
disease MESH Multiple Myeloma
drug DRUGBANK Sodium Citrate
drug DRUGBANK Dimethyl sulfoxide
drug DRUGBANK Nitrogen
disease MESH COVID 19
disease IDO assay
disease IDO reagent
drug DRUGBANK Formaldehyde
disease IDO quality
drug DRUGBANK Topiramate
disease IDO algorithm
disease MESH Frailty
disease MESH Hypertension
disease MESH Hyperlipidemia
disease MESH death
disease MESH bacterial infections
disease MESH melanoma
pathway KEGG Melanoma
pathway REACTOME Autophagy
disease MESH memory loss
drug DRUGBANK (S)-Des-Me-Ampa
disease MESH Systemic lupus erythematosus
pathway KEGG Systemic lupus erythematosus
disease MESH Arthritis
disease MESH cytomegalovirus infection
pathway KEGG Wnt signaling pathway
drug DRUGBANK L-Tyrosine
disease MESH sepsis
disease MESH Leukemia
pathway REACTOME Reproduction

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