Recovery From Long COVID: The Role of Bioelectric Meridian Therapy in Restoring Health and Well-Being.

Recovery From Long COVID: The Role of Bioelectric Meridian Therapy in Restoring Health and Well-Being.

Publication date: Dec 01, 2024

This case report explores the journey to a healthier life of a 57-year-old man who stayed athletic after contracting COVID-19 during a trip to a foreign country. He had minimal symptoms in the beginning. He started with a dull cough, but the symptoms then progressed to loss of taste and smell, mental fatigue, and nerve problems. In this case study, traditional cures helped only to some extent. Out of frustration with these symptoms, the patient started bioelectric meridian therapy (BMT) in August 2021 and benefited from it. The patient described progressive sensation, cognition, and muscle power enhancement during six months of BMT sessions. The therapy relieved the muscles’ stiffness and regulated the bio-energy circulation to improve the general quality of life and ease physical exertion operations. The case affirms how supportive modalities such as BMT help handle the after-effects of COVID-19. The patients’ recovery involved precise mental concentration, return of appetite, and regained vigor, which improved the patient’s life. This case report shows how integrative approaches may be helpful when it comes to the reactivation of health processes after virus infection.

Concepts Keywords
August bioelectric meridian therapy
Bioelectric complementary therapy
Healthier covid-19 recovery
Old mental fatigue
Therapy post-covid syndrome


Type Source Name
disease MESH Long COVID
disease IDO role
disease MESH COVID-19
disease IDO country
disease MESH loss of taste
disease MESH mental fatigue
disease IDO quality
disease MESH virus infection
disease MESH syndrome

Original Article

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