An agent based simulation of COVID-19 history in Catalonia using extensive real datasets.

An agent based simulation of COVID-19 history in Catalonia using extensive real datasets.

Publication date: Dec 30, 2024

During the COVID-19 pandemic, effective public policy interventions have been crucial in combating virus transmission, sparking extensive debate on crisis management strategies and emphasizing the necessity for reliable models to inform governmental decisions, particularly at the local level. Leveraging disaggregated socio-demographic microdata, including social determinants, age-specific strata, and mobility patterns, we design a comprehensive network model of Catalonia’s population and, through numerical simulation, assess its response to the outbreak of COVID-19 over the two-year period 2020-21. Our findings underscore the critical importance of timely implementation of broad non-pharmaceutical measures and effective vaccination campaigns in curbing virus spread; in addition, the identification of high-risk groups and their corresponding maps of connections within the network paves the way for tailored and more impactful interventions.

Open Access PDF

Concepts Keywords
Catalonia Adolescent
Extensive Adult
Vaccination Aged
Virus Agent-based model
Computer Simulation
Disease propagation
Middle Aged


Type Source Name
disease MESH COVID-19
disease IDO history
disease MESH infectious diseases
drug DRUGBANK Isoxaflutole
drug DRUGBANK Cefradine
drug DRUGBANK Coenzyme M
disease IDO role
disease IDO host
disease MESH uncertainty
drug DRUGBANK Hyaluronic acid
drug DRUGBANK L-Tyrosine
drug DRUGBANK Pentaerythritol tetranitrate
disease MESH viral load
disease IDO process
disease MESH infection
disease IDO symptom
disease MESH viral shedding
drug DRUGBANK Azelaic acid
disease MESH Death
disease MESH reinfection
drug DRUGBANK Albendazole
disease IDO quality
drug DRUGBANK L-Aspartic Acid
disease MESH breakthrough infections
drug DRUGBANK Alpha-methyltryptamine
drug DRUGBANK (S)-Des-Me-Ampa
pathway REACTOME Reproduction

Original Article

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