Comparison of clinical characteristics and outcomes in candidaemia patients with and without COVID-19: a multicentre retrospective study.

Comparison of clinical characteristics and outcomes in candidaemia patients with and without COVID-19: a multicentre retrospective study.

Publication date: Dec 28, 2024

Invasive fungal infections have been reported as complications with significant mortality and morbidity in patients hospitalized with COVID-19. This study aimed to evaluate the clinical characteristics and outcomes of candidaemia patients with COVID-19 and to investigate the association between COVID-19 and mortality in candidaemia patients. This retrospective study included candidaemia patients aged 18 years or older admitted to four university-affiliated tertiary hospitals in South Korea between January 1, 2020, and December 31, 2022. The COVID-19 group comprised patients diagnosed with COVID-19 before the onset of candidaemia. Clinical features and outcomes were compared between the COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 groups. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to identify risk factors related to 30-day mortality. Of the 355 patients diagnosed with candidaemia, 39 (11. 0%) had a prior diagnosis of COVID-19. The COVID-19 group exhibited greater rates of systemic corticosteroid use (20. 5% vs. 8. 9%, p = 0. 042), central venous catheter use (74. 4% vs. 57. 3%, p = 0. 041), and mechanical ventilation (53. 8% vs. 31. 6%, p = 0. 006) before the onset of candidaemia. The COVID-19 group had a greater rate of septic shock at the onset of candidaemia (61. 5% vs. 32. 0%, p 

Open Access PDF

Concepts Keywords
Catheter Candidaemia
December COVID-19
Fungal Mechanical ventilation
Korea Mortality


Type Source Name
disease MESH COVID-19
disease MESH Invasive fungal infections
disease MESH complications
disease MESH morbidity
disease MESH septic shock
disease MESH Long Covid
pathway REACTOME Reproduction
disease MESH Infectious Diseases
disease MESH critically ill
disease MESH pneumonia
disease MESH respiratory diseases
disease MESH healthcare associated infection
drug DRUGBANK Hexocyclium
drug DRUGBANK Indoleacetic acid
disease MESH coinfections
disease IDO blood
disease MESH recurrence
disease MESH infection
disease MESH Neutropenia
drug DRUGBANK Prednisone
disease MESH sepsis
disease MESH hypotension
disease MESH Urinary tract infection
disease IDO susceptibility
disease MESH diabetes mellitus
disease MESH heart failure
disease MESH chronic kidney disease
disease MESH liver disease
disease MESH lung disease
disease MESH cerebrovascular accident
disease MESH cancer
disease MESH hematologic disease
disease IDO history
drug DRUGBANK Coenzyme M
drug DRUGBANK Sodium lauryl sulfate
disease MESH comorbidity
drug DRUGBANK Iron
disease MESH candidemia
disease MESH death
disease MESH Bacteremia
pathway KEGG Coronavirus disease
drug DRUGBANK Methionine
disease MESH acute respiratory distress syndrome
drug DRUGBANK Fluconazole
drug DRUGBANK Voriconazole
drug DRUGBANK Amphotericin B
drug DRUGBANK Deoxycholic Acid
drug DRUGBANK Caspofungin
drug DRUGBANK Micafungin
disease MESH viral infection
disease MESH chronic conditions
drug DRUGBANK Prednisolone
pathway REACTOME Infectious disease
disease IDO infectious disease
drug DRUGBANK (S)-Des-Me-Ampa
disease MESH invasive candidiasis
disease MESH fungal diseases
disease MESH candidiasis
disease MESH Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
disease MESH acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
disease MESH Opportunistic infections
disease MESH fungemia
drug DRUGBANK Azelaic acid
drug DRUGBANK Dexamethasone

Original Article

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