Heart rate variability parameters indicate altered autonomic tone in subjects with COVID-19.

Heart rate variability parameters indicate altered autonomic tone in subjects with COVID-19.

Publication date: Dec 28, 2024

COVID-19 is associated with long-term cardiovascular complications. Heart Rate Variability (HRV), a measure of sympathetic (SNS) and parasympathetic (PNS) control, has been shown to predict COVID-19 outcomes and correlate with disease progression but a comprehensive analysis that includes demographic influences has been lacking. The objective of this study was to determine the balance between SNS, PNS and heart rhythm regulation in hospitalized COVID-19 patients and compare it with similar measurements in healthy volunteers and individuals with cardiovascular diseases (CVD), while also investigating the effects of age, Body Mass Index (BMI), gender and race. Lead I ECG recordings were acquired from 50 COVID-19 patients, 31 healthy volunteers, and 51 individuals with cardiovascular diseases (CVD) without COVID-19. Fourteen HRV parameters were calculated, including time-domain, frequency-domain, nonlinear, and regularity metrics. The study population included a balanced demographic profile, with 55% of participants being under 65 years of age, 54% identifying as male, and 68% identifying as White. Among the COVID-19 patients, 52% had a BMI ≥ 30 compared to 29% of healthy volunteers and 33% of CVD patients. COVID-19 and CVD patients exhibited significantly reduced time-domain HRV parameters, including SDNN and RMSSD, compared to healthy volunteers (SDNN: 0. 02 +/- 0. 02 s vs. 0. 06 +/- 0. 03 s, p 

Open Access PDF

Concepts Keywords
Cardiovascular Adult
Fourteen Aged
Parasympathetic Autonomic Nervous System
Volunteers Body Mass Index
Cardiovascular Diseases
Heart Rate
Heart rate variability
Middle Aged
Parasympathetic nervous system
Sympathetic nervous system


Type Source Name
disease MESH COVID-19
disease MESH complications
disease MESH disease progression
drug DRUGBANK Isoxaflutole
disease MESH cardiovascular diseases
disease MESH Long Covid
disease MESH SD1
disease MESH virus infection
disease MESH myocarditis
disease MESH hypertension
disease MESH tachycardia
disease MESH coronary artery disease
disease MESH cardiomyopathy
drug DRUGBANK Coenzyme M
disease MESH infection
disease MESH atrial fibrillation
disease IDO process
disease IDO history
disease MESH neurocardiogenic syncope
drug DRUGBANK Methionine
disease MESH heart failure
disease MESH gastroesophageal reflux
disease MESH Obesity
disease MESH COPD
disease MESH overweight
disease MESH chronic kidney Disease
drug DRUGBANK Albendazole
disease MESH arrhythmia
disease MESH Comorbidity
disease MESH syndrome
disease MESH postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
disease MESH autonomic disorders
disease MESH causality
drug DRUGBANK Guanosine
disease MESH fatal outcomes
disease MESH critically ill
pathway REACTOME Reproduction

Original Article

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