Publication date: Jan 01, 2025
Group A Streptococci (GAS) may cause infections of the pharynx and soft tissues and invasive infections in children (iGAS). A significant increase in severe iGAS infections has been reported in Europe since the fall of 2022. This retrospective study aims to analyse clinical data of children with invasive and non-invasive GAS infections in the post-COVID-19 pandemic era, searching for predisposing factors to developing invasive infections. History and clinical data of patients hospitalised due to or with coexisting GAS infections were analysed. iGAS and non-iGAS infections were compared. The cohort comprised 45 children (median age 7 years). 31(69 %) children developed iGAS infections – sepsis with toxic shock syndrome (TSS) (4 children-13 %), deep soft tissue infections (3-10 %), meningitis (2-6 %), pneumonia (2-6 %) or respiratory tract infections – sinusitis or otitis (4-12 %). iGAS children developed complications more frequently (100 % vs 21 %, p 14. 94 mg/dl were significant risk factors.
Type | Source | Name |
disease | MESH | group A streptococcal infections |
disease | MESH | viral infection |
disease | MESH | COVID-19 pandemic |
disease | MESH | infections |
disease | IDO | history |
disease | MESH | sepsis |
disease | MESH | toxic shock syndrome |
disease | MESH | soft tissue infections |
disease | MESH | meningitis |
disease | MESH | pneumonia |
disease | MESH | respiratory tract infections |
disease | MESH | sinusitis |
disease | MESH | otitis |
disease | MESH | complications |
disease | MESH | Coinfection |