Novel and efficient yeast-based strategies for subunit vaccine delivery against COVID-19.

Novel and efficient yeast-based strategies for subunit vaccine delivery against COVID-19.

Publication date: Dec 30, 2024

Yeast shows promise as a delivery system for drugs and vaccines due to its specific targeting and immunogenic properties. The objective of this research is to create novel and effective yeast-based methods for delivering subunit vaccines. Through the modification of yeast expression plasmids and optimization of expression techniques, a new dual-expression system has been developed. We have successfully generated a S. cerevisiae vaccine strain exhibiting stable dual expression of RBD, as well as an inducible S. cerevisiae vaccine strain with dual expression of RBD. The vaccine efficacy assay in mice indicated that the dual-RBD S. cerevisiae vaccine elicited a significantly more robust humoral and mucosal immune response in comparison to the conventional S. cerevisiae vaccine expressing RBD solely on Aga2p. This study demonstrated a cost-effective dual-expression S. cerevisiae system that not only exhibits potential in combating COVID-19, but also harbors the capacity to foster vaccine development against other infectious diseases.

Concepts Keywords
Aga2p COVID-19
Covid Dual expression
Efficient Oral vaccine
Vaccine Yeast


Type Source Name
disease MESH COVID-19
disease IDO assay
disease MESH infectious diseases

Original Article

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