Prevalence and associated risk factors of post COVID fatigue among Parkinson’s disease patients during one year follow up.

Prevalence and associated risk factors of post COVID fatigue among Parkinson’s disease patients during one year follow up.

Publication date: Dec 30, 2024

One of the most common post-COVID-19 condition is persistent fatigue, while post-COVID fatigue among Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients is less known. This study was aimed to investigate the prevalence and risk factors of post-COVID fatigue in PD patients at 1 month and 12 months after symptom onset. PD patients attending clinic from December 2022 to January 2023 were enrolled consecutively in the study. All participants were assessed demographics, details of COVID-19 infection, clinical characteristics as well as fatigue status with Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) (cutoff ≥ 36) at 1-month and 12-month after symptom onset. Univariate and multivariate Logistic regression analysis were used to evaluate the risk factors of post-COVID fatigue. Fatigue symptoms were reported by 75. 89% of PD patients and associated with decreased physical activity and number of initial symptoms of COVID-19 at 1 month. Meanwhile, 32. 99% of PD patients at 12 months reported persistent fatigue. Using of antiviral drugs, decreased physical activity, anxiety status and delayed ON were associated with persistent fatigue at 12 months. Clinically persistent fatigue was pervasive in our study at 12-month after COVID infection. These findings implicate using of antiviral drugs, decreased physical activity, anxiety status and delayed ON were possible predictors of post-COVID persistent fatigue.

Open Access PDF

Concepts Keywords
12months Aged
Cutoff36 Anxiety
December COVID-19
Implicate Exercise
Parkinson Fatigue
Follow-Up Studies
Middle Aged
Parkinson Disease
Parkinson’s disease
Post-COVID fatigue
Risk Factors


Type Source Name
disease MESH Parkinson’s disease
disease MESH COVID-19
disease IDO symptom
disease MESH infection
disease MESH anxiety
disease MESH Long Covid
disease MESH neurodegenerative disorders
disease MESH sequelae
disease IDO history
disease MESH depression
disease MESH cognitive decline
drug DRUGBANK Guanosine
drug DRUGBANK Coenzyme M
disease MESH Movement Disorder
disease MESH parkinsonism
disease MESH nasal obstruction
disease MESH hypogeusia
disease MESH hyposmia
disease MESH chest pain
drug DRUGBANK Acetaminophen
disease MESH tremor
disease MESH gait
disease MESH insomnia
disease MESH Hypertension
disease MESH Cardiovascular disease
drug DRUGBANK Levodopa
disease IDO infection prevalence
drug DRUGBANK Amantadine
disease MESH Plasmodium vivax malaria
disease MESH inflammation
disease MESH neuroinflammation
drug DRUGBANK Isoxaflutole
disease MESH Hallucinations
disease MESH Dyspnea
disease MESH functional status
disease MESH chronic conditions
drug DRUGBANK Ribavirin
pathway REACTOME Metabolism
disease MESH insulin sensitivity
disease MESH muscle atrophy
disease MESH osteoarthritis
drug DRUGBANK Oxygen
drug DRUGBANK Dopamine
disease IDO susceptibility
drug DRUGBANK Trestolone
disease MESH neurological disorders
disease MESH syndrome
disease MESH neurological manifestations
disease MESH chronic fatigue syndrome
disease IDO cell
disease IDO intervention
disease MESH endoplasmic reticulum stress
disease MESH Viral infection
disease MESH dysbiosis
pathway REACTOME Reproduction
pathway KEGG Parkinson disease

Original Article

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